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Arthritis is the joint inflammation of the knees and elbows. The joint pains make people suffer a lot. Pain, heat, and swelling in joints are some of the major symptoms of arthritis.


We have packed our Arthritis Punch Box with wonderful anti inflamatory fresh fruit and vegetables.


2kg1 tomatoes 

1kg Ginger 

3kg Spinach

500g Lettuce (500g)

2 x  Pineapples

2 Bunches Banana 

1 x Punnet Strawberries 

10 Tangerines: 

1kg Beetroot

6 x Pears

Arthritis Punch

PriceFrom ₦78,300.00
Sales Tax Included
Price Options
One-time purchase
Artheritis Monthly
₦78,300.00every month for 2 months
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